Sqlite: A lightweight, self-contained SQL database engine perfect for embedded systems and small-scale applications.
Firebase: Google’s mobile and web application development platform, offering real-time database, authentication, hosting, and more.
PouchDB: An open-source JavaScript database inspired by CouchDB that syncs seamlessly with web and mobile applications.
Realm: A mobile database solution designed for offline-first applications, providing easy sync and powerful querying capabilities.
AWS: Amazon Web Services, offers a wide range of cloud computing services such as storage, computing power, database management, and more.
Azure-Full: Microsoft Azure’s comprehensive suite of cloud services, provides solutions for computing, analytics, storage, networking, and more.
React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications.
TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that adds static types, enhancing code quality and development experience.
JavaScript: A versatile, high-level programming language used to create interactive effects within web browsers.
Bootstrap: A widely-used CSS framework that simplifies the design and layout of responsive, mobile-first websites.
Expo: A framework and platform for universal React applications, enabling quick development and deployment on iOS, Android, and web.
React Navigation: A popular library for routing and navigation in React Native apps, offering a variety of navigators such as stack, tab, and drawer.
Redux Persist: A library that allows you to save the Redux store in persistent storage, enabling the app to retain state across sessions.
Reduxsauce: A library that provides a cleaner and more concise syntax for defining Redux action creators and reducers.
Reactotron: A development tool that offers inspection, logging, and debugging capabilities for React and React Native applications.
Rest API: A standard protocol for building and integrating web services, using HTTP requests to access and manipulate data.
GraphQL: A query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries, enabling clients to request exactly the data they need.
Apollo GraphQL: A comprehensive suite of tools to implement and manage GraphQL in a more efficient way, including server and client libraries.
Nativebase: A popular React Native component library providing a comprehensive set of customizable UI elements styled with NativeBase’s themeable components.
Ignite UI: A UI toolkit and design system for building high-performance, enterprise-grade web applications with a rich set of features and controls.
UI Kitten:A React Native UI library with a focus on theming and customizable, pre-designed components following the Eva Design System.
React Native Elements: An easy-to-use, fully customizable UI toolkit for React Native offering a variety of components for building intuitive and visually appealing applications.
Jest: A JavaScript testing framework developed by Facebook, designed for ensuring correctness of any JavaScript codebase, particularly React applications.
Enzyme: A JavaScript testing utility for React, allowing developers to manipulate, traverse, and simulate runtime behavior of React components.
Detox: An end-to-end testing and automation library for mobile applications, enabling the execution of tests on real devices and simulators for both Android and iOS platforms.